Get Connected

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Check out what's happening this week

Life Groups

Place: The O'Gorman's (Yreka)------ Leaders: Lyle MacAdam & Kevin Stensether
Monday (Young Adult Group)
Place: Kristy Johnson's (Montague)-- Leader's: Kristy Johson, Ron & Rhonda Dorris.
Place: Nancy Duff's (Grenada)------ Leader's: Phillip & Corrie Johnson
Place: The Zimbelman's (Yreka)----- Leaders: Mark & Sue Freudenburg, Tim & Karen Zimbelman
Men's Group-------------------------- Place: The Freudenburg's (Yreka)----- Leader: Mark Freudenburg
Women's Group, Moms in Prayer------ Place: Church Nursery (Grenada)---- Leader: Debbie Wetzig
Thursday (Women's Group)
10 am
Place: Judy McQuoid's (Grenada)---- Leaders: Michelle Gamache & Judy McQuoid
Place: Hebrews (In the Church) ------ Leader: Jim Haines
Place: Perdue's House (Montague)--- Leader: Don Perdue

All Groups are open.  Welcome! 

It is our prayer that each and every one of you feel connected to our church body.  
Our hope is that through these life groups you as a church body are able to meet together
for fellowship, breaking of bread, prayer and to study the scriptures together.  

Please fill out the form below if you're interested in joining, hosting or leading a group.
Please feel free to contact Mark Freudenburg with any questions.  

Men's Ministry

Saturday Breakfast

8 am in Hebrews.  Once a month the men meet for good food, fellowship and to study together.  See calendar for date.  

Men's Bible Study

Mark Freudenburg is leading a men's bible study Wednesday's at 6am.  Contact Mark for more info.
Interested in becoming a deacon? Click here to volunteer or talk to Pastor Phillip for more information.  

Women's Minsitry

Women's Prayer Group

Meets Thursday mornings at 8:45am in the Church Nursery.  Moms in Prayer.  Moms and Grandma's welcome!

Young Moms group

Meeting together for fellowship, activities, play dates and more!
Contact Latosha Clem or Jordan McWilliams for more information.  

Contact Us

want to get involved but don't know where to start?
Fill out the form below for more information on how to get plugged in