Week of 2/9/25

Dear Church Family,
BRRRR! I hope you all are staying warm. For those without the means or resources/family (1 Timothy 5:1-16) to help in these conditions please contact the church for deacon assistance! We have started with needs within the Body and will work our way out from there.

Home Enjoyment
Read 1 Samuel 10:25 - 11:15.
Why did the men reject Saul at the end of chapter 10? What are some of the reasons you hear cited when people question Jesus' ability to save? How would you speak to those reasons?

Why were the people of Jabesh-Gilead willing to make an agreement with the enemy?
Where do you see people make similar compromises with the enemy of their souls?

Are you surprised by the action in Saul caused by the Holy Spirit? Why?
How do we distinguish between righteous anger and selfish anger?
(For further discussion/study look at Ephesians 4:25-32, James 1:19-22)

What transformation takes place in Saul from verse 5 to verse 11?
Has the Lord ever used discomfort in your life to move you to action? Is there any other way the Lord can get our attention?

Looking at verse 12-15. What distractions could have kept the people from 'renewing the kingdom' at this time?
Where did Samuel take them? Why? What was the result?

I ended the message this week by pointing to God deserving the glory for enabling Saul (through the Holy Spirit) to send out the messengers of 'salvation' and working for the Lord's 'salvation in Israel'. How do we grow listening to the Holy Spirit and being open to His prompts? Read Acts 4:8-13

Men's breakfast this Saturday - 8am!

In Christ,
Pastor Phillip

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