Week of 1/5/25

Dear Church Family,
I pray that it is a blessed and happy New Year in Christ for us as a church! I am thankful for the growth that the Lord is bringing in relationships and ministry opportunities for all ages, it really has been exciting to look around and see.
If you are looking for a place to serve in the coming year I would encourage you to consider 3 things:
1) Find a life group to be part of and fully participate, listen for needs that others in the group have and see how the Lord would lead you to pray and act.
2) Invite someone else to share a meal, either in your home or elsewhere, and listen for how you can serve and pray for them.
3) Look around at our Sunday gathering and see who is serving in what ways. If there is a place there that would fit your gifts, talk with that person about how you can help!

All of these things lead to us loving one another better and the opportunities to reach a watching world as we love and obey God. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Home Enjoyment
Give someone a chance to tell the story of 1 Samuel 7 to the group and look at the scripture to see how much they remember! : )
Read Isaiah 30:15.
How does Isaiah 30:15 retell the story of 1 Samuel 7?
What have you learned about repentance over the last 2 weeks?
Where does true repentance lead us? (Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19, Matt. 3:8)

How is one little lamb enough?
Why is the picture of innocence so significant?
Did Samuel have to offer it or could he have just gone straight to God?
What does it look like daily for us to have faith in 'the spotless lamb of God' Jesus?

What does Ebenezer mean?
What is the significance of "Thus far the Lord has helped us"?
Do you think it meant something similar for Paul in Acts 26:22
What other questions does it raise?
How does it help us understand our dependance on God?

Personal Reflection
What 'idols' has the Lord revealed in your life that need to be thrown down?
Where do you need to rest in the sacrifice of Jesus for you?
What battles are you facing that you need to trust God with?
How will you remember the great things that God has done for you and share them with others?

For Fun
Here is the story behind "Come Thou Fount" 
Here is a link to the song.

This coming Sunday our missionaries James, Valya, Arina and Samantha Hopkins  from Ukraine are coming to share during the morning service (10:15am) and for the High School youth (4-6pm). James will also be sharing at the men's breakfast this Saturday (8am).
Please come and show them the support of the Body of Christ here, it means much to them as they prepare to go back into a war zone.

Blessings and Love in Christ,
Pastor Phillip

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