Week of 10/13/24

Dear Church Family,
In our pluralistic culture the idea of knowing God in a personal way is often looked at as a little extreme or egotistical, especially when we say that he is the only way. Many would prefer 100 vague or ill-defined ways to God than have to deal with being accountable to one God who is the law-giver and just judge. Even in our own experience we sometimes wonder at the nearness of God or our ability to perceive what he is doing. This affects our perception of knowing God, but when we look at the scripture what we see is God clearly making himself known.
John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
We know God, both what he is like and personally through the Holy Spirit, when we come to have faith in Jesus Christ.
This idea ties into the home enjoyment for this week. Faith carries the day in knowing God and living for him in the face of evil and corruption.

Home Enjoyment
Read 1 Samuel 2:11-26
How did Phinehas and Hophni reveal their lack of knowing God in how they treated the sacrifices?
How did Elkanah and Hannah continue to show their faith in God during the years that Samuel was growing up?
How does immorality show a lack of faith in God?
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
What similarities do you see with the above passage?

Knowing God is in significant part responding to him in faith regardless of circumstance.
How much do you think Samuel, or Elkanah and Hannah, knew what God was doing? Or did they simply trust and obey? How do you know God is working when all you see is evil?
How does 1 Sam 2:26 give us hope in God's plan?

One more important thought. It is clear that Phinehas and Hophni's personal priorities got in the way of knowing and honoring God. It occurs to me that the Apostle Paul (when he was still named Saul) was not unlike them at the beginning. He admitted he did not know him. And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Acts 9:5
Contrast that with how Paul later said he wanted to 'know Jesus Christ [his] Lord'.
Read Philippians 3:7-11.
What did it look like for Paul to 'know Christ'?
What does that look like for you this week?

As Corrie and I are out of town this week if there are any immediate pastoral needs Mark Freudenberg has agreed to be the elder on call, his number is (598-5151).

May you know and live for God, like Jesus, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

In Christ,
Pastor Phillip

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