Week of 9/8/24

Dear Church Family,
What a privilege to be part of such a family. We are far from perfect, but perfectly loved by a God who has had mercy on us and welcomed us into His family, where He showers us with a gracious and powerful love that transforms us! I pray that we rejoice today in remembering what we have been given by God in His family and how much we need to share that with those around us.
We have had a lot of folks visit over the summer and as we start into fall. Please remember to make the personal effort in reaching out as you would want to be reached out to in a new place where you are seeking the Lord and looking for a community to help you in that.

Home Enjoyment
This last Sunday we looked at the end of Judges as the starting point for 1 Samuel.
Read Judges 21:25
Why does a lack of leadership lead to chaos?
Was the only problem that they lacked a king? Does having a king fix things?
When there is no higher view of authority what is our human tendency about what we see as 'right'?
How does this reinforce a biblical understanding of man's goodness or lack thereof?

Read 1 Samuel 1:1-2.
We talked about the obscurity (Elkanah) and seeming impossibility (Hannah) of the situation that begins 1 Samuel. (We will talk about Peninnah this coming week.)
Why does God often use 'the obscure and impossible' to choose to reveal Himself?
Where is God looking in order to make Himself known? Read Hebrews 11:6.
Can you think of a situation that felt impossible that drove you from feeling 'obscure' or your situation was 'impossible' into feeling known by God Almighty?

The overall picture of 1 Samuel has much to do with leadership. We finished by asking who is leading you and who are you leading? What voices are you listening to?
If they are good voices, how are you deciding how they rank in your mind?
Are they louder than Jesus in your life?

Read 1 Samuel 1 this week and begin to look at and form questions for next week!

Starting back up...
Awana and Jr High Youth group begins tomorrow (Wednesday) night at 6pm! Pizza is available for sale at 5:30. Awana Ages: 3 years-6th grade. Please pray that God would open the hearts of our children and adults to grow in love for Jesus this year!

Life groups are getting going again also. The website will be updated this week with locations and contact. You can also check at the table in the Fellowship Hall for details.

If you are interested in hosting or helping with a Life Group please contact Mark Freudenburg at 598-5151.

I am thankful to be looking to Christ for life and leadership together,
Pastor Phillip

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