Week of 5/12/24

Dear Church,
Thanks for the feedback on this week's message. Marriage issues are myriad and complex and yet Paul had no issue with drawing out the truth that marriage was created to speak to us and the world of Christ and his church. The final words of the New Testament leave us anticipating the 'marriage supper of the Lamb' (Revelation 19:7-9, 21:1-2). We bring our marriages to Jesus and ask for his help in making them look more like he designed. We forgive as we have been forgiven, we submit and lay down our very lives as Jesus did.  We as the church ask how our love for Jesus might cause others to respond to him and how to spur each other to that kind of love (Ephesians 5:15-21).

Home Enjoyment
Read Ephesians 5:22-33.
What makes it hard for us to accept these instructions?
What is the greater purpose of marriage according to this passage?
How does that help you understand these instructions?
What does 'washing with the word' look like?
How do verses 26-27 relate to Revelation 19:7-9?

What does it look like for a man to think of his wife as part of himself?
How was it possible for Jesus in his perfection to unite himself with an impure and imperfect bride?

For those who are single, how does Paul's writing about marriage encourage or help you understand your singleness and God's purpose?

Bonus questions -
Husbands and wives - where is your spouse talented or gifted and how are you encouraging their growth in that area?
From the sermon - How do we as the church act more like the bride of Christ?

Looking forward to talking about parents and children (of all ages) this coming week!

In Christ,
Pastor Phillip

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