Week of 8/25/24

Dear Church Family,
I am thankful for the last several weeks of being able to look at some different topics. My prayer is that with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will have a higher view of our God's sovereign hand over all things, His plan for His church, and His call for us to respond to him daily until we see His face.

Home Enjoyment
This last Sunday we considered this idea...
To worship [God rightly] is to show God as having supreme worth in all that we do.
Read Exodus 20:3 and Matthew 22:34-40.
The Exodus passage doesn't seem that specific, most of us don't see ourselves as worshipping other gods. How does Matthew 22 help us fill out the picture?
What specific areas of your life do you associate with your heart? What about soul? Mind? And Strength(Mark 12:30)?
Now take some time to think through how you love, (aka worship), God in those areas?
How all encompassing is your view of worshipping and loving God?
Are there areas of your life that you tend to think God is not that interested or involved in?
Ask God how you can grow to not only see him in that part of your life, but worship him in that part of your life.
One final thought... I would remind you, per other messages that have been preached of late, that where you recognize shortcomings in your worship, not to grovel, or 'just do better', but repent and ask for the Lord's help in shaping your heart and mind through time with Him in His Word.

Labor Day Weekend Service
10:00  - Service (w/ Communion) - Bring Lawn Chairs!
11:30 - Baptisms - talk with Pastor Phillip if you want to be baptized.
12:00 - Lunch - Kidder Creek is providing meals (burgers/chips/watermelon) @ $5/plate or $20/ max per family, but families who want to sack lunch are welcome to do so.
(Kidder Creek ordered some extra, but please let us know if possible)
12:30 - Big Church Games up on the soccer field (shade provided for spectators). All young at heart are encouraged to participate! All ages.
1:30-4:00 - Pond Time as well as basketball, pickleball, frisbee golf, and fellowship!

I once again want to encourage you to worship the Lord with His gathered Body somewhere this coming Sunday! I am also looking forward to starting 1 Samuel when we come back together in Grenada on the 8th!

In Christ,
Pastor Phillip

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