Week of 3/2/25

Dear Church Family,
There is only one source of our righteousness, we considered that in communion this last Sunday. Our sense of how well we are doing, how good we are at our responsibilities, compassion, parenting, theological understanding, work ethic, listening to God, etc.
Our failure to do these things is not our righteousness either. None of us is able to do all the good we ought to do. We need Jesus righteousness! How do we get it?
We are connected to Jesus righteousness through FAITH. Faith in a gracious God who saved us through Jesus' sacrificial love. We are now empowered by His Spirit to do good works that would point us to him. These works are with him, for him, and from him, not apart from him trying to get to him. This plays out in what we studied about Saul and Jonathan this week, so let's continue...

Home Enjoyment
Read 1 Samuel 14:1-23.
What are your basic observations about Jonathan? Saul?
Read Ephesians 2:8-10.
Where do you see parallels in each part of the verse and this story?

I mentioned Sunday...
"Jonathan wasn’t going to sit around and wait when God had already told him what to do, but he wasn’t going to presume to know exactly how God would have him do it."
Why does God give us tasks that involve us inquiring of Him?
Can you think of a time presumption that led to trouble in your relationship with someone? with God?
I also said perhaps "Jonathan understood there is a relationship in the tasks that God gives us to do."
What was God trying to accomplish INSIDE Jonathan through this task? What about OUTSIDE? When God asks us to obey, is it any different?

What things would help us know it's God calling us to a task?
How did Jonathan know?(1 Samuel 9:16)
What are some tasks has God called us to as His children?
Are you actively seeking to do those things?
Do you need to just start doing them and ask for help and wisdom in how you do them?

As you apply this...
Read James 1:5-8. Let verses 6-7 warn you and convict you if necessary to ask forgiveness, but do not let it keep you from seeking God in obedience and faith to do the good he has called you to!

May God bless you and strengthen you in the works He has graciously called you to this week for His glory, that you would know God and make Him known!

In Christ,
Pastor Phillip

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