Week of 11/3/24
Dear Church Family,
I would like to remind you that the old chapel/library is open for prayer if you would like to come and spend some specific time in prayer for our country today.
I want to encourage each of you to do something my brother-in-law did this morning. To remind yourself, writing it down would be ideal, of how God has shown his faithfulness to you and built his kingdom in your life over the last four years specifically. How has he grown you in likeness to him? In sharing him with others? What blessings has he brought or sustained in your life during that time? I think it's a tremendous way for us to both give thanks and evaluate whether we are valuing His kingdom most. With Christ as our Savior and eternal King we know we have all that we need for the next four years and forever!
I will leave this up to the Life Group leaders, but consider taking some time to allow others to reflect on the idea above and consider God's kingdom work in your life, then share and pray for God's work to take precedence in our hearts and lives in the coming years.
Home Enjoyment
Read 1 Samuel 3
Have you ever had a time you wondered if the Lord was communicating something to
you? How do you know whether it's him?
What do the following passages teach us about the role of prayer, the Word, and the Holy Spirit in hearing from God on a matter or discerning what you're hearing?
James 1:5-7
1 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12
Ephesians 5:18, Galatians 5:22-25, 1 John 4:1
Looking back at 1 Samuel 3. While it seems accurate to say that sin was a significant part of God's 'silence', how else could we understand times of silence?
For each reason for silence, how does God call us to see or respond to him?
It's really important we have a right view of God in those times. Consider Hebrews 12:6.
Can you think of other examples in your life or the Bible where God used 'silence' for a purpose?
God's purpose in 'establishing' Samuel was for the people to again have a clear picture of who He was. (Verses 19-21)
How are you allowing God to establish his Word (Jesus Christ) in you so that others have a clear picture of him? Is there any place where you are not saying 'Here I am' to God?
Reminder that we are having a Memorial Service for Corky Arkfeld this Saturday at 11am followed by a potlunch. We hope you can come and give thanks to the Lord for our sister's precious life and testimony.
In Christ,
Pastor Phillip
I would like to remind you that the old chapel/library is open for prayer if you would like to come and spend some specific time in prayer for our country today.
I want to encourage each of you to do something my brother-in-law did this morning. To remind yourself, writing it down would be ideal, of how God has shown his faithfulness to you and built his kingdom in your life over the last four years specifically. How has he grown you in likeness to him? In sharing him with others? What blessings has he brought or sustained in your life during that time? I think it's a tremendous way for us to both give thanks and evaluate whether we are valuing His kingdom most. With Christ as our Savior and eternal King we know we have all that we need for the next four years and forever!
I will leave this up to the Life Group leaders, but consider taking some time to allow others to reflect on the idea above and consider God's kingdom work in your life, then share and pray for God's work to take precedence in our hearts and lives in the coming years.
Home Enjoyment
Read 1 Samuel 3
Have you ever had a time you wondered if the Lord was communicating something to
you? How do you know whether it's him?
What do the following passages teach us about the role of prayer, the Word, and the Holy Spirit in hearing from God on a matter or discerning what you're hearing?
James 1:5-7
1 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12
Ephesians 5:18, Galatians 5:22-25, 1 John 4:1
Looking back at 1 Samuel 3. While it seems accurate to say that sin was a significant part of God's 'silence', how else could we understand times of silence?
For each reason for silence, how does God call us to see or respond to him?
It's really important we have a right view of God in those times. Consider Hebrews 12:6.
Can you think of other examples in your life or the Bible where God used 'silence' for a purpose?
God's purpose in 'establishing' Samuel was for the people to again have a clear picture of who He was. (Verses 19-21)
How are you allowing God to establish his Word (Jesus Christ) in you so that others have a clear picture of him? Is there any place where you are not saying 'Here I am' to God?
Reminder that we are having a Memorial Service for Corky Arkfeld this Saturday at 11am followed by a potlunch. We hope you can come and give thanks to the Lord for our sister's precious life and testimony.
In Christ,
Pastor Phillip
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