Week of 8/11/24

Dear Church Family,
Have you ever looked back at your life and seen moments of repentance for the blessing they are? You were headed one direction and by God's grace came to see clearly that led to trouble and even death. You turned from that direction to the Lord to save you and give you a new direction.
Perhaps you remember other times where you persisted in going your direction until you had exhausted every resource or driven things further into the ground before asking for help?
We often think of regrets, what we should have done, but we don't consider what all the Lord has saved us from, or saved us to.
Hopefully you can take some time this week to think about that in this week's home enjoyment.

Home Enjoyment
Read Matthew 3:1-12
What does genuine repentance save you from? How?
How are repentance and faith connected? (Read Mark 1:15)
Does one come before the other?
Why is anything short of repentance incomplete? (James 2:10, 1 John 1:5-8)
How were the Pharisees and Sadducees attempting to justify themselves before God?What other ways do you see yourself or others attempting to justify actions to God apart from repenting?

What does repenting free us from?
What does it look like to 'bear fruit in keeping with repentance'?
Is 'bearing fruit' a punishment? Is it forced?
How is conviction a blessing?
What are some things that you can do now, that you couldn't do before?
Meditate on Galatians 5:16-24.

Men's Breakfast - 8am this Saturday in the Fellowship Hall, 9am church yard work to follow.
Labor Day Service(9/1) at Kidder Creek - 10am Service, with communion and baptism, followed by bbq/picnic lunch, games for all ages, and playing in the pond or on the new basketball and pickleball courts! I hope you can come!

In Christ,

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