Week of 5/5/24

Dear Church Family,
'Absence makes the heart grow fonder.' I felt that in being absent from the daily life of this church during my jury duty. I am so glad it's over and glad to be more involved again. God loves His Church so much and I am thankful for every reminder of how special we are to Him.
I am also thankful for those who filled in the last few weeks for me! I think at the heart of Mark's teaching this Sunday was submission to Christ (Eph 5:21) and the example he gave to us of humble service. That shapes how we know Jesus and frames every relationship in our lives.

Home Enjoyment
Here are the questions Mark shared to follow up on the message from this week (Ephesians 5:18-33).
1) To be filled with the Spirit means to be controlled by the Spirit.  How do we give the Spirit control of our lives?  How do we know if we are filled with the Spirit?
2) What did you learn about what "submission" is and isn't?
3) A major theme in Ephesians is "the abundance of Christ."  In your own life, how has God's abundance helped you submit?  Are there areas in your life where you could grow in Godly submission?
4) Is there anything from this week's passage that you can apply to strengthen your marriage? Other relationships?

I am praying for you in small groups, families, and your personal discussions this week as you seek to know God and apply His Word to your lives.
Hope to see you Sunday!

In Christ,
Pastor Phillip

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