Week of 7/14/24

Dear Church Family,
Praise God for heavy rain over the Shelly fire for hours yesterday!!!!
Thank you for those who reached out yesterday when we were under evacuation for a moment with a fire just to the north of us. We are fine and to the best of my knowledge the barn where it started and one outbuilding were the only structure losses.
Through many dangers toils and snares I have already come, grace has led me safe thus far and grace will lead me home!
The Lord is our refuge!!!

Home Enjoyment
Read Ephesians 6:21-24.
Who has the Lord used to come alongside you(like Tychicus) to 'know how you are doing' and to encourage you and pray on your behalf?
Give thanks to the Lord for that person(s) and if they are still here consider calling them and telling them how the Lord used them in your life.
Tychicus' relationship with Paul is just one view of relationships in the church/Body of Christ. If you do not have that, I want you to pray about how to pursue/make the effort towards a relationship like that. It will take effort and the willingness to put yourself out there, even sacrificially.

In Psalm 16:10 it is prophesied that Jesus would not see corruption/decay.
What does corruptible mean?
What is a love that is truly incorruptible?
How would your Heavenly Father want to shape your love to be more like His today?
Ask for the Holy Spirit to make you willing and do it in you.

Extra Credit
Write down the two or three things that most caught your attention studying through Ephesians and share them with someone this week, over the phone, or even better over a meal!

In Christ,
Pastor Phillip

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