Week of 9/15/24

Dear Church Family,
I am thankful. I want that to be my new and true-hearted response to those who ask how I am doing. I mention this because my daughter was telling me the other day the most common answers to the question, How are you? They were: I'm good, I'm busy, I'm tired. Those sounded very familiar. It is not that there is anything wrong or untrue about the other answers. But I know when I am taking the time to look to God, even when I am tired or busy that I have the blessing of seeing how He has been good and to give thanks. I want God's goodness to be at the center of my heart as I go through my day and interactions with others. I want my tiredness, busyness, and goodness to come from what God is doing, or to not happen because I am going at his pace and with his purposes(not my own).
May we be a thankful people, knowing that God is working in every situation for His glory and our good. We know that because of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection all being offered to us freely.

Here is the Home Enjoyment for this week!
Read 1 Samuel 1:1-18.
What's the significance of Elkanah's faithful journeys to Shiloh?
Why do you think Peninnah treated Hannah this way?
Why was her provoking Hannah wrong? What did she believe that made it wrong?
Why is it wrong to attribute our good deeds and blessings to ourselves?

What were some things you learned from Hannah's prayer? How/when/why/what did she pray?
Do you find yourself pressing into prayer or pulling back? Why?

Read Matthew 7:7-11 and 1 John 5:14-15.
How do these verses shape your understanding of prayer?
Why is praying for someone else's will difficult?
Is there a time you trusted God with things that were hard to surrender to Him? Why or how did you come to that place?

Press into praying for God's good will to be done in your life, don't be afraid to be specific, but pray with faith in his perfect and sovereign will.

This Friday from 6-9pm at Pastures of Grace on Scarface Road there is an opportunity to get together for the U-pick in their Dahlia field. All proceeds support the women's recovery ministry starting there, suggested donation of $25 Bucket (they are BIG!).

Men's Breakfast this Saturday at 8am with yard work around the church afterwards for those who can.

In Christ,
Pastor Phillip

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