Week of 7/21/24

Dear Church Family,
This last Sunday was a very interesting mix of emotions and thoughts for me.
I was both rejoicing in looking out and thinking of the ways many of you have wrestled and come to understand and experience God's grace and providence... and also thinking of many others who are still in the middle of that wrestling.
I have been and I am praying that together as a church family we would "have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:18-19)
Don't stop searching and praising God until your heart has come to trust in His sovereign and loving hand. Proverbs 3:5-8 also come to mind.

Home Enjoyment
Read Psalm 115:3, 135:6-7, Job 37:5-13.
What do you see about God's hand over nature?
Take a moment and ponder where you have seen or delighted in God's hand over nature (similar to those writing these verses).
How does this shape our view of nature today?

Read Acts 4:23-37 (Peter and John were just coming out of prison.)
What was the apostles view of suffering in this instance?
How was it shaped by what Christ had endured?
How does this connect with the idea of sovereignty?
I added the last few verses(32-27) because it struck me how a high view of God not only helped the early church deal with suffering, but to have a right view of their possessions. How do you think God's sovereignty impacted the early church's view of their possessions?

What is God saying to you about His sovereignty over your life today? Will you pray and then act in trust toward him?

Here is a song that has blessed me in praising God for His sovereignty over my life the past few weeks.

Some of you have asked for a link to the timelapse video I mentioned Sunday showing the rain on the Shelly fire last Monday. You have to have facebook to watch it I believe, but here it is. The left side of the video is the edge of the fire that was closest/most threatening to homes when this was taken.

In Christ,

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