Week of 8/18/24

Dear Church Family,
I am praising the Lord for good responses to the last two weeks' messages on repentance. How is the Lord calling you to respond in a fresh way to who He is and what He has done for you? Is there any place that immediately comes to mind where you are not acknowledging his truth or ability to deal with something in your life? Confess and put your trust in Him.

If you have a minute, here is a song about repentance that really blessed me this last week.

Home Enjoyment
In looking at John the Baptist's call 'bear fruit in keeping with repentance' I can't help but connect it with the 'fruit of the Spirit' in Galatians 5.
There is fruit that comes from a changed mind(Repentance) that has faith toward God and there is evidence if that is not what's happening. Read Galatians 5:16-24.
Some of those things may feel like an easy pass, but others not so much, especially when you look at the heart. Remember the answer is not just to 'do better', what is the issue and how do you need to repent and allow God to change what you think and believe(live)? Ask for his help to make you more like him in whichever of those specific places he calls you to grow(vs 22-23).
How do you 'crucify' the flesh(vs 24)? Is that self-punishment or self-denial?
How is that a matter of faith or repentance?

Extra Credit
Read Psalm 51 - What does David's repentance show us what our own should look like?
What's the goal of repentance?

Labor Day Sunday Service
10:00  - Service (w/ Communion) - Bring Lawn Chairs!
11:30 - Baptisms - talk with Pastor Phillip if you want to be baptized.
12:00 - Lunch - Kidder Creek is providing meals (burgers/chips/watermelon) @ $5/plate or $20/ max per family, but families who want to sack lunch are welcome to
(Sign up in the fellowship hall this Sunday or let the church office know by 10am Monday August 26)
12:30 - Big Church Games up on the soccer field (shade provided for spectators). All young at heart are encouraged to participate! All ages.
1:30-4:00 - Pond Time as well as basketball, pickleball, frisbee golf, and fellowship!

Grace and Peace to all the teachers, parents, and students as school gets back into motion.
As we prepare for this coming week we are going to talk about a high view of praise and worship. I am looking forward to praising Him together this Sunday.
In Christ,
Pastor Phillip

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